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Table 5 Varying sex-differences in time-loss due to head injuries, by injury mechanism (player-to-player contact)

From: Multifactorial examination of sex-differences in head injuries and concussions among collegiate soccer players: NCAA ISS, 2004–2009




Women vs. Men

Other mechanisms


1.57, 95% CI = [1.20, 2.05]

1.57, 95% CI = [1.20, 2.05]

Player-to-player contact mechanisms

1.14, 95% CI = [0.88, 1.49]

1.06, 95% CI = [0.82, 1.37]

0.925, 95% CI = [0.79, 1.08]

  1. Measure of variability in sex-differences on additive scale: RERI = −0.65, 95% CI = [−1.56, 0.26]
  2. Measure of variability in sex-differences on multiplicative scale: Ratio of TLRs = 0.591, 95% CI = [0.433, 0.806]