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Table 1 Pre-Post knowledge assessment items. (* = Correct Responses)

From: Measuring the effectiveness of a car seat program in an urban, level one pediatric trauma center



How long should your child remain in his/her car seat?

(1) Until 1 year of age, (2) Until 2 years of age, (3) Depends on height weight, (4) Until his/her feet touch the back of the front seat, or (5) As long as possible*

The appropriate car seat depends on what? Select all that apply

(1) Weight*, (2) Height*, (3) Model, (4) Car, and (5) Age

Until what age does your child have to remain in a car seat?

(1) 2 years, (2) 4 years, (3) 8 years*, (4) 13 years, or (5) Parental decision

Should coats be worn in a car seat?

(1) Yes, (2) No*

How tight should the harness straps be?

(1) Enough to pinch an inch*, (2) Enough for two fingers to slide underneath, or (3) As close as possible to the body

Should you let your child have toys in the car seat?

(1) Yes, (2) No*

How tight should the seat be in the car?

(1) Movable less than 1 in.*, (2) Movable less than 2 in., or (3) Tight against front seat