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Table 5 Common injuries in Japanese collegiate men’s basketball, 2013/2014–2019/2020

From: Descriptive epidemiology of injuries in Japanese collegiate men’s basketball: 2013/2014 to 2019/2020





n (%)

IR and 95% CI (per 1000 AEs)

n (%)

IR and 95% CI (per 1000 AEs)

n (%)

IR and 95% CI (per 1000 AEs)

% Severe (median of days lost, range)

Ankle sprain

120 (34.7)

1.34 (1.10–1.58)

43 (33.1)

5.40 (3.79–7.02)*

163 (34.0)

1.67 (1.41–1.93)

11.7 (30, 22–104)

Lower back injurya

36 (10.4)

0.40 (0.27–0.53)

7 (5.4)

0.88 (0.23–1.53)

45 (9.3)

0.46 (0.33–0.60)

18.2 (25, 24–44)

Thigh contusion

25 (7.2)

0.28 (0.17–0.39)

12 (9.2)

1.51 (0.65–2.36)*

37 (7.7)

0.38 (0.26–0.50)

8.1 (36, 32–120)

Knee internal derangement

14 (4.0)

0.16 (0.07–0.24)

9 (7.0)

1.13 (0.39–1.87)*

23 (4.8)

0.24 (0.14–0.33)

65.2 (106, 30–500)

Hamstring strain

13 (3.8)

0.15 (0.07–0.22)

2 (0.5)

0.25 (0.0–0.60)

15 (3.1)

0.15 (0.08–0.23)

33.3 (36, 22–82)

  1. AEs; athlete exposure(s): Practice = 89,559, Competition = 7956, CI; confidence interval, IR; injury rate, IRR; injury rate ratio
  2. *Competition versus Practice injury rate ratio > 1.00 and does not include 1.00 in the 95% CI
  3. aOverall injuries do not equal sum of Practice and Competition injuries due to 2 lower back injuries missing the event information